+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The line above should be centered and one-inch below the top of form. - THE QWERTY MANUAL TEXT FOLLOWS - __________________________________ | | | tm | | QWERTY WORD PROCESSOR | | | | Copyright 1982-92 | | | | HFK Software | | Sixty-Eight Wells Road | | Lincoln, MA 01773 | | | | 617-259-0059 | | | |__________________________________| Version 7.0 2-15-94 _______ _____|_ | ---| | |------------------(R) | | O | | O___|___ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |___| | Professionals | O | -------| | |-------------------- |___|___| Member T A B L E o f C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION 1 MANUAL ORGANIZATION 1 DYNAMIC HELP 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3 INSTALLATION 3 THE MENU 4 JUMPING IN 5 EDITING 6 The Editor Screen 6 The Arrow Keys 8 Character Attributes 8 The Function Keys 9 Binding Spaces 11 Format Indicators 12 Centered Lines 12 Margins, Tab Stops & Rulers 12 Special Text 13 Ending an Edit 14 PRINTING 16 Printing Options 16 Format Lines 17 LaserJet Support 21 Ancillary Programs 22 COMMAND LINE OPTIONS 24 Display Colors 24 RAM_DRIVE= 24 FILE= 24 EXT= 25 LASER-JET 25 NO_DOTS 25 NO_TONES 25 24-HR 25 SHIFT_REQUIRED 26 IMMEDIATE_AUTOHELP 26 ALTCHARS.DEF 26 Option Summary 26 STARTING via BATCH 27 RUNNING UNDER WINDOWS 28 CUSTOM SPECIAL TEXT 29 RELATED PRODUCTS 30 QWERTY REGISTRATION 31 SHAREWARE DECLARATION 31 REGISTRATION FORM 32 -- I N T R O D U C T I O N -- QWERTY is one of the original word processors developed in 1982 for the then new IBM PC. Since early users were often typists with little, or no, computer experience, QWERTY was designed to feel like a Selectric Typewriter and to be easy to learn and use. In 1992, upon it's tenth anniversary, QWERTY was released as SHAREWARE and continues in use to date. QWERTY has the reputation of being a great "starter" word processor, but for many, it has continued to serve as their only word processor. QWERTY is so easy that you may become productive in minutes. Just start typing -- Hold down (for HELP) when you have a question. Don't waste time with "the quick brown fox..." Start with something real. QWERTY is a serious word processor with a wealth of useful features that may be ignored until needed. For example, if you wish to produce a pamphlet, you might use QWERTY to develop the text and send the ASCII text file (or a "print- to-disk" file) to a publisher who would then typeset and print the final copy. However, you might also just print it with QWERTY. If you wish to print on both sides of the paper, QWERTY will print alternate pages, allowing a second pass to print the page backs. If you use headers and/or footers, QWERTY will allows odd/even page specifications. If your header or footer contains a page number, it can always be printed away from the binding. The point is that you do not have to deal with details until you actually need them. -- M A N U A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N -- In this manual, keys are represented by one or more characters enclosed in angle brackets. For example: is used for Function Key #1, for the Space Bar, for Carriage Return (the ENTER key), for either Case Shift key, for the CTRL Shift key, for the ALT Shift key, and , , , and for the arrow keys. A single character within angle brackets is used to represent a standard text key of either case, e.g. for the E-key. -1- Key symbols joined by a plus sign imply holding the first key and striking the second. For example, + means hold either key and strike . The first few pages of this manual, through the JUMPING IN section, provide general background information. QWERTY's gentle ease of use coupled with it's dynamic help make it practical for many -- certainly those with computer word processing experience -- to get right to work. The EDITING section may be browsed by the experienced, but should be read carefully by the novice. In either case, using QWERTY, before reading too much, is beneficial. The PRINTING section provides much detailed information that is not needed by many. The experienced should scan this section to know what is available. The novice might just avoid this section. The COMMAND line section deals with options that may be specified when starting QWERTY. There could be an option that fits a particular personal need (e.g., screen colors), but this section can easily be skipped. Similarly, the STARTING via BATCH, CUSTOM SPECIAL TEXT, and RELATED PRODUCTS sections provide specialized information. The REGISTRATION section is for all. You should register. It's the right thing to do. This section describes the details and benefits of registration. -- D Y N A M I C H E L P -- Holding down displays instructions and suggestions for the current situation. When you release the key, the screen is restored. That is, help is available quickly and with a minimum of disruption -- you do not have to strike another key to clear the help. Help is also tutorial in two respects. (1) Holding at each menu selection, and in a few editing circumstances, will provide sufficient information to get started immediately. (2) In some cases, help text is provided as delayed prompts. For example, striking initiates a forward search by prompting for a search pattern. When you do not respond within 1.5 seconds, QWERTY automatically displays the appropriate help information until the next keystroke. If the "next keystroke" is , the help is cleared when is released. If you're slowly exploring, this automatic help presentation is a useful learning aid; however, when you are -2- familiar with QWERTY and working rapidly, a disruptive "help flash" is prevented by the 1.5 second delay. Sometimes may be used in place of . In these cases "SHIFT" in the help text is shown bracketed by two dots. For example, QWERTY uses a ed left arrow to move back to the previous word beginning. If you're accustom to shifted arrow keys, or if is an easier reach, the dots in the help display indicate that using is okay. -- S Y S T E M R E Q U I R E M E N T S -- QWERTY (Version-7) runs under DOS, Version-3 or later, on an IBM PC, or equivalent, and requires about 256K bytes of RAM. A hard disk is recommended, but not required. QWERTY will print on virtually any printer, and contains special support for Laser-Jet printers. -- I N S T A L L A T I O N -- If you haven't already done so, make a QWERTY directory (MD QWERTY), and copy (or unZIP) your QWERTY files into their own directory. At this point you will be able to run QWERTY when you are "in" the QWERTY directory (whenever the QWERTY directory is current) by typing QWERTY on the DOS command line; however, when running in another directory DOS will respond with "Bad command or file name." If you're familiar with PATH, you know that DOS uses it to find program files when they do not exist in the current directory. The PATH statement is a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file consisting of "PATH" followed by one or more drive/path declarations separated by semicolons. Eventually you should include your QWERTY directory in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file's PATH statement. You may do this by editing "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT", searching for "PATH" and appending ";C:\QWERTY" (or whatever you called your QWERTY directory) to the PATH line. If you are new to DOS or PCs, you may wish to restrict your editing to files in your QWERTY directory and get comfortable with QWERTY (it won't take long) before modifying your PATH and operating out of other directories. -3- -- T H E M E N U -- The menu allows you to choose from among QWERTY's functions, and works as many other menus in that you may: (1) move the menu highlight bar using , or and then strike to effect the highlighted selection; (2) strike the key matching the first letter of a menu item and effect a selection with a single keystroke; or (3) point to a selection with a mouse and click any button. Holding will display help for the highlighted menu item. The QWERTY menu provides the following nine selections and is designed for speed and convenience. SELECT -- Choose from a list of files with the default extension (normally .DOC) and in the current directory, by typing the beginning of the file's name and/or pointing with the arrow keys (or mouse). EDIT -- Create a new file, or change an existing file. A blank file specification implies new file creation.

PRINT -- Print a file. OPTION PRINT -- Specify options and print a file. The options include page range, number of copies, page pause, print-to-disk, print-to-screen, and alternate sides. DELETE -- Delete a file from disk. MESSAGE -- Display a screen message in "Times Square" format during idle time or while away from your desk. CLOCK -- Display a large format digital clock during idle time or while away from your desk. ABOUT -- Display QWERTY product information. QUIT -- Return to DOS and run other programs. -4- When a file is SELECTed, its name is remembered and provided as the default name for EDIT, PRINT, OPTION PRINT and DELETE operations. When a remembered file name is presented, you may: (1) strike to use it, (2) change it and strike to use the newly specified file, or (3) blank it to create a new file. Note that simply striking twice begins the next operation using the remembered file name. -- J U M P I N G I N -- At this time it is well worth just jumping in and exploring QWERTY. Select EDIT and create a letter. Take full advantage of QWERTY's dynamic help. When you are comfortable with QWERTY, read on. Learn about centering, margins, tab stops, and QWERTY's many printer controls at your leisure. -5- -- E D I T I N G -- To edit an existing file, simply specify that file after selecting EDIT from the menu. To create a new file, blank the file specification. (You may strike to clear any remembered file specifications.) Editing with QWERTY is simple and straightforward. If you are a power typist and don't check the screen unless you have a particular concern (e.g., QWERTY beeped), you'll find that the action area can be checked quickly -- just above the typehead on the scale which is always at the bottom of the screen. Holding provides help for your current situation and can be both very useful in particular and tutorial in general. T H E E D I T O R S C R E E N The QWERTY editing screen is divided into three sections: (1) a three-line status area at the top, (2) a two-line scale and typehead at the bottom, and (3) a twenty-line file text area in between. The upper left status area presents the file name, the amount of editing memory used, the type head position, the typehead character, and any attributes applied to the typehead character. +---------------------------------------------------- | C:\MANUAL\PART-1.DOC (45%) Col-58: UND BLD A | | Search FWD for: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX +-------------------------------------------- | (fig 1) Fig. 1 shows that file PART-1.DOC in directory C:\MANUAL is being edited, 45% of the editing buffer is being used, the typehead is on an "A" in column 58, and that the "A" is to be printed boldface and underscored. Other attributes could be SYL for syllable beginning and ALT for alternate font. Syllable beginning is a "soft hyphen" and tells QWERTY that a word may be hyphenated at that point. Except in LaserJet mode, the alternate font is the upper 128 ASCII characters as defined by your printer. ALT may also be defined as a strike-through with either a slash, a 25% screen, 50% screen, or a 75% screen character. See the PRINTING section, Format Lines, *STn.) -6- The lower left portion of the status area is used for prompts and search patterns. (See fig 1.) The right potion of the status area shows the current state of CapLock (Cap/CAP), The current Insert/Typewriter Mode (Ins/Typ), and NumLock state. -----------------------------------------------+ 5%) Col-58: UND BLD A Bld | S|| | --- + --- | CAP Ins Del Alt | Und | ----------------------------------------------------+ (fig 2) | Fig 2 shows CapLock on (inverse and upper case CAP), Insert Mode (Ins), and Numlock off (Delete, arrow, and attribute key labels). Typewriter Mode has been designed for those transitioning from a Typewriter and , and are non- destructive -- as they are on an actual typewriter. This prevents the transitioning typist from blanking text via the common typist's action of holding the Space Bar to move the typehead. Typewriter Mode is useful in some strike-over situations; but, in general, Insert Mode should be used. Insert/Typewriter Mode is selected via the key. -----------------------------------------------+ 5%) Col-58: UND BLD A [7] [8] [9] | [4] [5] [6] | CAP [0] [.] [1] [2] [3] | ----------------------------------------------------+ (fig 3) | Fig 3 shows that the keyboard is NumLocked. NumLock is usually left off except when you wish to enter numeric data via the numeric keypad rather than the top row of digit keys. The bottom two screen lines are used as a scale and typehead. The scale provides an analog indication of typehead position (column), the shading indicates the current margins, the small rectangles indicate the current tab stop positions, and a paragraph symbol shows the paragraph beginning column when an indent is in effect. The typehead symbol can be considered as a cursor but, in addition to horizontal position, shows the case of the next letter to be typed and whether it will be inserted into the file or struck over an existing character. -7- The editing buffer is quite large relative to a typical business letter which might use 5-10% of its capacity. As you produce longer documents, you should consider "document chaining." When fifty or sixty percent full, consider continuation to another file leaving plenty of room for future expansion. QWERTY makes it easy to link "chapters" (individual files for editing) into a "book" (chain of files for printing) and using this feature is a good idea. (See *CD: in the PRINTING section.) T H E A R R O W K E Y S The and arrow keys move the typehead to the previous and next characters in the file. The and arrow keys scroll the text up and down one line (without moving the typehead). + and + (or + and +) move the typehead to the previous and next word beginnings. + and + move the typehead to the beginning of the previous and next lines. The key may be used to delete the typehead character. C H A R A C T E R A T T R I B U T E S A few rules make character attribute use easy to understand. (1) NumLock must be off. The HOME key in the right status area must be shown as "Bld" (not as "[7]"). (2) Striking an attribute key (e.g., for Bold) will alternately set/clear the attribute indication in the status area. When set, the attribute will be displayed in inverse video and appear to be "lighted." HINT: You may hold a key when striking an attribute key. This has no effect on the attribute keystroke, but is very convenient when alternately striking a ed arrow key. (Uning is not necessary.) (3) Whenever a character is TYPED, any lighted attributes are APPLIED to that character and the lighted attributes in the status area are cleared. -8- (4) Whenever the typehead is MOVED FORWARD by a character, a line or a word, any lighted attributes are APPLIED to all text passed by the typehead's forward motion, and the lighted attributes in the status area are cleared. (5) Whenever the typehead is MOVED BACKWARD by a character, a line or a word, any lighted attributes are REMOVED from all text passed by the typehead's backward motion, and the lighted attributes in the status area are cleared. While the BLD, ALT, and UND attributes are shown in the status area as "Bld" "Alt" and "Und", the SYL attribute is shown as "S||" because it ONLY APPLIES TO CHARACTER OPERATIONS. (You would not likely wish to apply a syllable attribute to all characters of a word or line.) Moving FORWARD a WORD or LINE with the S|| attribute lighted forces all letters passed by the typehead to be forced to LOWER case; and moving BACKWARDS a WORD or LINE with the S|| attribute lighted forces all letters passed by the typehead to be forced to UPPER case. T H E F U N C T I O N K E Y S The PC Function Keys (F1 through F10) are grouped as follows: +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| || F1 || || F2 || || F3 || || F4 || |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ HELP UN-DEL W-DEL L-DEL Holding provides help for the current situation. Striking inserts the last text deleted via or into the file at the current typehead position. Striking deletes text from the current typehead position to the beginning of the next word. Striking deletes text from the current typehead position to the beginning of the next line. While the primary function of is to un-delete text in case you accidentally strike or , it is also useful as a quick cut and paste function. For example, if you wish to replicate a line in several places, use and to delete and un-delete the line and then use to un-delete (insert) the line at other places in the file. Similarly, to -9- move a word, use to delete it and then use to un-delete it elsewhere. You might find that , or are too easy to type, resulting in accidental insertions and deletions. You have the option of requiring that a key be held with these operations. (See SHIFT_REQUIRED in the COMMAND LINE OPTIONS section.) +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| || F5 || || F6 || || F7 || || F8 || |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ <-SEARCH SEARCH-> TO BEG TO END < SRCH & REPLACE> < GLOBAL S & R > is used to initiate a backward search, + is used to initiate a backward search and replace operation, and + is used to initiate a backward global search and replace. Backward search patterns and replacement text strings are terminated with an (or + or +) instead of the more conventional so that: (1) s may be used in search and replacement text, and (2) a backward search may be easily repeated via multiple s. provides identical search operations except in the forward direction. A search operation in progress may be interrupted by striking . A second immediately following a search interruption will return the typehead to the search's starting position. Similarly, when a search fails, an immediate will restore the typehead. and cause rapid scrolling toward the beginning and the end of the file. Holding a key will freeze the scrolling for examination while the is held. As with searches, may be used to interrupt and/or restore the typehead. -10- +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| || F9 || || F10|| || F11|| || F12|| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| |+----+| +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ BLK COPY INS BLK MOVE Striking initiates a block copy or move operation. After striking at the beginning of a text block, the block is delimited by advancing the typehead to the character following the text block to be copied or moved. A second defines the end of the block and copies the text to a file called {TXTBLK}.TMP. Using + (or +) causes the block to be moved to {TXTBLK}.TMP (removed from the file). Striking will insert the content of {TXTBLK}.TMP at the typehead. Normally is used to complete a Cut & Paste operation by inserting a block of text that has been copied or moved; however, it is also useful for un-doing a block move. Note that {TXTBLK}.TMP survives the end of an edit and its content may be inserted into another file on another day. If a "RAM DRIVE" is available, it may be used for very fast cut and paste operations via RAM_DRIVE=. (See the COMMAND LINE OPTION section.) The and keys do not exist on all PCs and are not used by QWERTY. B I N D I N G S P A C E S QWERTY automatically blocks your paragraphs as you type, maintaining as many words between the margins as is possible. Sometimes it is desirable to keep two, or more, words on the same line even when there is room for the first word on a previous line. For example, it is generally better to keep a first initial and a last name together at the beginning of a line even when the initial could fit at the previous line's right margin. Similarly, when a sentence begins with a single letter word (A or I) or a small number, it is desirable to prevent the short initial word from being split at the margin. -11- Using + (or +) instead of will introduce a "Binding Space" that will print as a normal space, but will bind the adjacent words for paragraph blocking considerations. Binding Spaces are easy to type ( may already be down for the sentence or name beginning) and insure that your intent is maintained regardless of the intensity of editing. F O R M A T I N D I C A T O R S A "Format Indicator" is a special character that, when at the beginning of a line, indicates that this line contains format information (as opposed to printing text). Striking + will introduce a Format Indicator and the remainder of the line contains specific formatting instructions. With two exceptions, Format Indicators have no effect upon editing, and therefore, are described in detail the PRINTING section of this manual. C E N T E R E D L I N E S To center a line between the current margins, simply begin the line with a Format Indicator (+) followed by a , a , and the text to be centered. A centered line ends with a and will not be centered if: (1) it will not fit between the current margins, or (2) if it contains a . M A R G I N S , T A B S T O P S & R U L E R S With a DOC file name extension, the default margins and tab stops are set for a letter (margins at 10 & 70 with stop at 15, 20 and 25). With non-DOC extensions, the default margins and tab stops are set for a program source file (margins at 1 & 79 with stop every eight positions). The scale at the screen bottom shows the margins and tab stops currently in effect. -12- You may change the margins and tab stops as often as you wish by inserting a "ruler" into a file. A ruler affects text following it until overridden by another ruler. A simple QWERTY ruler is a Format Line consisting of: (1) a Format Indicator (+) at the beginning, (2) sufficient Binding Spaces (+s) to position an upper case "L" (+) at the left margin, (3) sufficient Binding Spaces to position an upper case "R" (+) at the right margin, and (4) a at the end. Note that the ruler is composed of standard characters and, with the exception of the is typed holding a key. Since rulers consists of normal text: (1) they may be changed by normal means (Search & Replace, Cut & Paste, etc.), and (2) you may use as many rulers as is necessary. s and

s may be used in rulers to mark tab stops and paragraph beginnings. *======L=========================R Simple ruler *======L=========T======T========R Tab stops *======L===P=====T======T========R Paragraph Indent *==P===L=========T======T========R Negative Indent Up to ten tab stops may be specified by including s between the and . One

may also be included to indicate a beginning point for paragraphs. Note that the

may be on either side of the . The must be followed by a . When the "P" is left of the "L" (negative or hanging indent), the left margin serves as a tab stop for the first paragraph line. This is particularly useful for numbered paragraphs which should start with . S P E C I A L T E X T QWERTY provides 21 special characters that may be redefined by Registered Users to suit special requirements for language or scientific characters. Each character is defined in terms of: (1) an shifted letter or digit key to enter the character, (2) a display code for screen presentation of the special character, and (3) up to sixteen codes to be sent to your printer to produce the desired result on paper. -13- The default special characters described below are defined with display and print codes matching the defined character. For example, the plus-or-minus symbol is defined as 241 for both display and printing. Your PC will display code 241 as the plus-or-minus symbol, but your printer may not print it. In this case, you should redefine the character specifying a three byte string of 43-8-95 (plus symbol, backspace, and underscore). Box Drawing Characters: #1 + Upper Left Corner #2 + Top Tee #3 + Upper Right Corner #4 + Left Tee #5 + Intersection #6 + Right Tee #7 + Lower Left Corner #8 + Bottom Tee #9 + Lower Right Corner #10 + Horizontal Side #11 + Vertical Side Mathematical Symbols: #12 +

Plus-or-Minus #13 + Greater-than #14 + Less-than #15 +<4> 1/4 fraction #16 +<2> 1/2 fraction Language Symbols: #17 + "N" (upper case) with Tilde #18 + "n" (lower case) with Tilde #19 + Inverted "?" #20 +<1> Inverted "!" Currency Symbol: #21 + British Pound Sterling E N D I N G A N E D I T When you wish to end an edit and return to the QWERTY menu, strike + (or +) and respond to the file specification prompt. If you have just created a new file (no file name specified) and wish to save the created text, enter a file specification (name with optional drive and path) terminated by a . -14- If you have been editing the content of an existing file and wish to save the results as the same file, simply strike a (or a second + or +). If you have been editing the content of an existing file and wish to save the results as a different file, change the file specification and strike a . If you have made a big mess and wish to abandon an edit, blank the file specification ( key) and strike . When you abandon an edit, the data are actually recorded in a file called {QWERTY}.TMP so the "abandoned" data may be rescued until the next abandonment actually writes over {QWERTY}.TMP. Saving modifications under the same file name is a common way to end an edit; and, QWERTY makes it very easy -- JUST HOLD AND STRIKE TWICE. NOTE-1: When beginning an editing, or printing a file, you may specify {QWERTY}.TMP with a single key- stroke. That is, you might use {QWERTY}.TMP as an actual temporary file (rather than as a discard). NOTE-2: If you use "NUL" as a file name, DOS considers this a special case and discards the data. This is another way of abandoning an edit without overwriting {QWERTY}.TMP, or using disk space for the discard. -15- -- P R I N T I N G -- QWERTY drives virtually any printer with special support for LaserJet printers. For most cases, simply striking twice after editing will print the file just edited. Similarly, when printing is finished, striking two s will initiate editing of the file just printed. Some special circumstances may be supported by QWERTY's "special characters." Up to twenty-one may be defined in a file called ALTCHARS.DEF. Each character is assigned an shifted letter or digit, a display code, and up to sixteen printer codes. Each special character is introduced by striking the shifted key and occupies one character position relative to editing. However, you may specify up to sixteen bytes to be sent to the printer to effect the desired symbol to be printed, e.g., backspace and strike over with other characters. (see the CUSTOM SPECIAL CHARACTERS section.) P R I N T I N G O P T I O N S When you select OPTION PRINT from the menu, you must provide printing parameters before the actual printing is started. The first prompt controls printing as follows. Options: [S,P,D,B,F] _ Strike to print to the screen for preview,

to pause at the beginning of a each page (within the printing range), to print to disk, to print only page backs, to print only page fronts, or for "none of the above." The next prompt is for a starting page number. Options: [S,P,D,B,F] _, page ____ If you just strike , the entry is left blank and printing will start from the first page (regardless of numbering). If you specify a starting page number, printing will not begin until the specified page. Page numbers (not the page count) are used. NOTE: The page number and the page count are often identical, however, the page NUMBER sequence may be altered. (See *BN:n) -16- The next prompt is for a ending page number. Options: [S,P,D,B,F] _, page ____ through ____ As with the starting number, the ending number is a page number (not page count) and may be left blank to imply the end of the file. The next prompt is for a copy count. Options: [S,P,D,B,F] _, page ____ through ____, copies ____ A blank copy count implies a single copy. When the copy count is input, the actual printing begins. F O R M A T L I N E S Many format lines are available to command the printer to produce desired results even when a file has endured many generations of editing. The list is long, but in most cases most of the following may ignored -- but it's good to know what is available. With the following format line representations, the "#" represents a number. For page numbers # must be an integer. When specifying something in inches, up to two decimal places may be used, e.g., "TM:1.25" sets a 1.25 inch top margin. A format line that begins with two (or more) format indicators is just a comment line. Comment lines have no effect on printed output but can provide useful reminders. An extra format indicator may also be used to temporarily disable a Format Line. Format Indicators (+) are shown as asterisks (*) and Binding Spaces (+) are shown as equal signs (=). *====L======P=======T========T==============R Ruler line. *C Center between the current margins. *FS:# Set the form size to # inches. Default: FS:0. (use printer's form-feed). *TM:# Set the top margin to # inches. Default: TM:0. May be necessary with some automatic sheet feeders. -17- *PS:# Set the page size to # inches. Default: PS:9.0. The page size is the amount of space on a page below the top margin that is available for headers and text. *HB:# Establish a horizontal bias of "#" printer columns. That is, shift everything right "#" columns. *GS:# Guarantee space. Force a new page unless there is room for # lines remaining. Useful for tables and preventing a new section from starting too close to a page bottom. *MG Set manual pagination. Displays line & page number in status area. Disables widow line protection. Starts a new page only in response to *NP. *NP Force a new page. *NPE Force sufficient *NPs such that the next text will be printed on an even numbered page. If a blank page is needed, both header and footer printer is suppressed for that page. *NPEH Same as *NPE except that headers will be printed on a blank page. *NPEF Same as *NPE except that footers will be printed on a blank page. *NPEB Same as *NPE except that both headers and footers will be printed on a blank page. *NPO Force sufficient *NPs such that the next text will be printed on an odd numbered page. If a blank page is needed, both header and footer printer is suppressed for that page. *NPOH Same as *NPO except that headers will be printed on a blank page. *NPOF Same as *NPO except that footers will be printed on a blank page. *NPOB Same as *NPO except that both headers and footers will be printed on a blank page. -18- *PP Pause after each page's printing (for manual sheet feed). *PD: Pause and display an instruction line of up to 50 characters. Strike to continue, to terminate. Example: *PD:INSERT ENVELOPE *1S Set single space. *2S Set double space. *3S Set triple space, etc. *ST Change the ALT character attribute to "strike thru with a slash." *ST2 Change ALT character attribute to strike thru with a 25% screen (printer code 176). *ST3 Change ALT character attribute to strike thru with a 50% screen (printer code 177). *ST4 Change ALT character attribute to strike thru with a 75% screen (printer code 175). *AF Restore ALT to alternate font. *BJ Begin right margin justification. *EJ End right margin justification. Lines containing a TAB are not justified. *BN Begin automatic page numbering with page number in lower center. Same as "*BF||-#-||" *BN:# Set page number to # and begin automatic numbering. *EN End automatic numbering. Counting of pages continues sequentially (unless *BN:#) but page number printing is suppressed. *CD: Continue printing with the specified file in the current directory. Only a file name is specified. Margins, tab stops, page numbering, spacing, etc., are all maintained. Continuation permits working with relatively small files, yet printing very large documents. *BH||

|| Begin automatic header printing with the specified three fields. -19- *XH:# Set header separation from top of text to # in. *EH End header printing. *BF||
|| Begin automatic footer printing with the specified three fields. *XF:# Set footer separation from bottom of text (*PS) to # inches. *EF End footer printing. A number sign (#) within header of footer text is printed as the current page number. The ,
, and text strings of headers and footers may be dually expressed as ^ where the even page component precedes the odd page component separated by a carat (+<6>). Either component may be nul (empty). For example, *BF|Page #^||^Page #| will print as: | | | | | | | | Page 44 | | Page 45 | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ A more complex example, *BF|Page #^INDEX|(c) 1990|MANUAL^Page #| will print as: | | | | | | | | Page 44 (c)1990 MANUAL | | INDEX (c)1990 Page 45 | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ NOTE: When using dual expressions a header or footer Format Line could exceed the current margins. In this case, use Binding Spaces to prevent word-wrap truncation. The following format lines are used to send control infor- mation to a specific printer by an experienced person. Care is required to do this in a way that is compatible with QWERTY's control of the printer. -20- *CC:#,#,#,# Sends a series of control codes, expressed as decimal numbers, directly to the printer. For example *CC:27,65 sends an ESC A to the printer. *CS: Sends a series of control codes, expressed as a text string, directly to the printer. For example *CS:ABC sends codes 65, 66 and 67 to the printer. *ES: Sends an escape (27) followed by a series of control codes, expressed as a text string, directly to the printer. For example *ES:ABC sends codes 27, 65, 66 and 67 to the printer. *LS:# Records the line size as # 1/48th inch steps. *SI:# Records the number of printer steps to the inch. QWERTY assumes a line size of 8/48th inches or six lines per inch. That is, *LS:8 and *SI:48 are used to compute vertical page formatting (top margin, header/footer/text separation, text per page, etc.). The default works with all printers even if the basic vertical step is 1/60th, 1/72nd, or 1/720th because it causes QWERTY to output a Line-Feed every sixth of an inch. *LS and *SI are included for those who might wish to send a control code to the printer that changes the vertical pitch. Then it is necessary for QWERTY to know the new settings to manage the page correctly. L A S E R - J E T S U P P O R T The following format lines are used to send control infor- mation to a LaserJet printer and only work when in LaserJet mode (See COMMAND LINE OPTIONS section). A sample LaserJet letter called LJ-LTR.DOC is included. *LJES: Sends an escape code followed by a series of control codes, expressed as a text string, directly to the printer. For example ES:ABC sends codes 27, 65, 66 and 67 to the printer. *LJLS:# Records the line size as # 1/48th inch vertical steps and sends this information to the printer when necessary. -21- *LJCP:# Provides a means of specifying the current character pitch. If using other than 10-pitch type, QWERTY must know the correct pitch in order to micro-center and micro-justify properly. *LJNW:# Establishes a stroke weight for normal text. The range is -7 to +7. Default: 0. *LJBW:# Establishes a stroke weight for boldfaced text. The range is -7 to +7. Default: +3. *LJHW:# Establishes a stroke weight for header text. The range is -7 to +7. Default: 0. *LJFW:# Establishes a stroke weight for footer text. The range is -7 to +7. Default: 0. *LJMB:# Establishes a micro-bias of #/120 inches. Useful for precise centering is some special cases. A N C I L L A R Y P R O G R A M S PX is a program that transfers data directly from the command line to LPT1. When possible, printer codes are expressed as normal text characters; otherwise, they may be presented as decimal values enclosed in braces. For example, PX {12} will send a code-12 (FormFeed) to the printer. While it may be practical to use PX on the DOS command line to eject a page from your printer, normally PX is used in a BATCH file to send more complex initialization strings, e.g., PX {27}E to send an ESC-E. Following is a copy of a BATCH file using PX. It is not directly related to the QWERTY Word Processor, but it is a good example of PX use. -22- REM -- Setup LaserJet printer for PNTSC. rem Symbol set 10U is selected so that rem special screen characters (boxes) rem are printed. The "text length" is rem set to 26 lines to cause a page rem eject with each PNTSC. PX {27}E PX {27}(10U PX {27}(s0p10h12v0s0b3T PX {27}&l26F - File: PNTSC.BAT - LOADFONT is a program that is normally executed via BATCH and downloads a font to a LaserJet printer. LOADFONT requires two arguments: (1) a font file specification, and (2) font ID (integer). The font ID may be followed by annotation. The following sample BATCH ECHO LOAD FONTS FOR STANDARD LETTERS PX {27}*c0F PX {27}&l1X LPX &l1H ECHO ON LOADFONT \FONTS\TR100RPN.USP 110 10-POINT TMS-RMN LOADFONT \FONTS\TR100IPN.USP 111 10-POINT TMS-RMN ITALICS LOADFONT \FONTS\TR100BPN.USP 112 10-POINT TMS-RMN BOLD LOADFONT \FONTS\HV060RPN.USP 206 6-Point HELV BOLD Loads four fonts with IDs of 110, 111, 112 and 206. These fonts may be easily selected within QWERTY via *LJES:(110X *LJES:)111X which selects 10-point Times Roman as the primary font (which may be BOLDed via QWERTY's BLD attribute) and italics as the secondary font (which is printed for characters with QWERTY's ALT attribute). -23- -- C O M M A N D L I N E O P T I O N S -- The following options may be included on the QWERTY command line to customize QWERTY for individual requirements. Using a batch file, or files, to start QWERTY is very useful when command line options are used. D I S P L A Y C O L O R S The default screen colors are WHITE text on a BLUE background unless a Monochrome (MDA) display is being used or if the display mode is set to BW80. Colors may be specified by including text and background colors, joined by a plus sign, on the QWERTY command line. The command line QWERTY GREEN+BLACK specifies green text on a black background. These colors may be specified as: BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, YELLOW, and WHITE. R A M _ D R I V E = When a RAM DRIVE exists, cut and paste operations can be made to operate extremely fast if QWERTY writes and reads the {TXTBLK}.TMP file using the RAM DRIVE instead of your hard disk (or diskette). To instruct QWERTY to use your RAM DRIVE for block operations, include RAM_DRIVE=: on the command line. Example: QWERTY RAM_DRIVE=E: F I L E = The specification of a file to be edited may be provided on the command line which causes QWERTY to bypass the menu and begin editing the specified file immediately. To use this feature, include "FILE=" on the command line followed by the file specification. This is particularly useful when QWERTY is started via BATCH and the file to be edited is known. Example: QWERTY FILE=LETTER NOTE: If your copy of QWERTY is unregistered, the menu cannot be bypassed. Therefore when you use FILE=, you must strike at the unregistered user notice. -24- E X T = The default file name extension is normally .DOC, but any other three characters may be used by including "EXT=" followed by the default extension. Example: QWERTY EXT=TXT L A S E R - J E T By default, QWERTY supports a generic printer. However, including "LASER-JET" on the command line causes QWERTY to print in Laser-Jet Mode. Example: QWERTY LASER-JET N O _ D O T S QWERTY normally shows all typed characters, including , and , as uniquely identifiable symbols. Small central dots indicate space characters and allow you to differentiate between actual keystrokes and the gap following a or the blanks that make up the margins. Occasionally, particularly on lower quality displays, these dots are large and resemble periods or commas. Including "NO_DOTS" on the command line will cause characters to be displayed as blanks. Example: QWERTY NO_DOTS N O _ T O N E S QWERTY normally uses many tones to subtly confirm, alert, and warn. Strike CapsLock a few times and note the out-of-sync assistance. If you hold a key and type a character with CapsLock on, a slight tick warns you that "the rest of the word will be in caps too." Also, prompts and error messages are accompanied by unique tones. This extra information is useful (even when you are not aware of it); but, you may disable it by including NO_TONES on the command line. Example: QWERTY NO_TONES 2 4 - H R The time of day displayed by the MESSAGE and CLOCK menu selections is normally in 12-hour (AM/PM) format. Including "24-HR" on the command line specifies a 24-hour time display format. Example: QWERTY 24-HR -25- S H I F T _ R E Q U I R E D If you find that WORD DELETE, LINE DELETE, or UN-DELETE are too easy to effect and you are concerned about accidentally striking , or , including SHIFT_REQUIRED on the command line causes a key to be required with these three function keys. Example: QWERTY SHIFT_REQUIRED I M M E D I A T E _ A U T O H E L P When a SEARCH, COPY, MOVE, or EDIT END is initiated and the keyboard is quiescent for 1.5 seconds, relevant help text is automatically displayed. Including "IMMEDIATE_AUTOHELP" on the command line will cause this help/prompt to be displayed without delay. Example: QWERTY IMMEDIATE_AUTOHELP A L T C H A R S . D E F QWERTY provides twenty-one special characters that may be entered via shifted letter and digit keys. Registered users may provide a file containing custom definitions for one or more special characters. Example: QWERTY ALTCHARS.DEF (See the CUSTOM SPECIAL CHARACTERS section.) O P T I O N S S U M M A R Y Following is a list of QWERTY command line options abbreviated and long form. The long form is recommended for batch files and the abbreviated form is recommended for manual entry. (no abv.) + RD=d: RAM_DRIVE=d: (no abv.) FILE= (no abv.) EXT= LJ LASER-JET ND NO_DOTS NT NO_TONES 24 24-HR SR SHIFT_REQUIRED IA IMMEDIATE_AUTOHELP AC ALTCHARS.DEF Example: QWERTY LJ ND NT RD=E: 24 AC -26- -- S T A R T I N G V I A B A T C H -- A batch file is recommended when QWERTY command line options are used. For example, a batch file consisting of the following line QWERTY BLUE+WHITE RAM_DRIVE=E: LASER-JET FILE=%1 and named QWP.BAT, will initiate the editing of a file called LETTER.TXT with all the specified options by simply typing QWP LETTER Unregistered versions require initiate editing by striking two s (to bypass the unregistered user notice that accompanies the initial menu display). Also, just typing QWP (no file name) will effect the options and start QWERTY with a menu display. MENU.BAT is a batch file that is included with QWERTY. You might use a variation of MENU.BAT to run QWERTY under different environments (e.g., printers, directories, etc.). @ECHO OFF :MENU CHOOSE QWERTY^{Q}WERTY^QWERTY {L}ASER IF ERRORLEVEL=2 GOTO :GP IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO :LJ GOTO :END :GP QWERTY GOTO :MENU :LJ QWERTY LASER-JET GOTO :MENU :END -27- -- R U N N I N G U N D E R W I N D O W S -- To introduce QWERTY (a DOS program) to WINDOWS perform the following operations. For this example, the program files (e.g., QWERTY.COM) reside in C:\QWERTY and data files (e.g., LETTER.DOC) reside in C:\QWERTY\DOCS. (1) Open Program Manager and then select the Program Group in which QWERTY is to be placed (e.g., APPLICATIONS) by clicking on that group. (2) Select "FILE" from the PROGRAM MANAGER's menu bar. (3) Choose "NEW..." from the file menu. (4) Be sure that Program ITEM (not GROUP) is marked ... +----------------------------------------- | New Program Object +----------------------------------- | New | ( ) Program Group | (*) Program Item +-------------------------- ... and click on the "OK" button. (5) Complete item properties ... +-------------------------------------------------- | Program Item Properties +------------------------------------------------ | Description: QWERTY | Command Line: \QWERTY\QWERTY LASER-JET | Working Directory: \QWERTY\DOCS | Shortcut Key: None | [ ] Run Minimized +------------------------------------------ ... and click on the "CHANGE ICON" button. (6) Click on the "OK" button in the center of the "no icons available"/"choose from program manager" information box. (7) Scroll through available icons and click on the yellow typewriter (or other icon preference) and then click on the "OK" button. (8) Click on the "OK" button once again and QWERTY becomes available via the icon selected. -28- -- C U S T O M S P E C I A L T E X T -- QWERTY provides twenty-one special characters that may be entered via shifted letter and digit keys. Registered users may provide a file containing custom definitions for one or more special characters. This file must be named ALTCHARS.DEF and exist in the default directory. Including "ALTCHARS.DEF" on the command line causes QWERTY to read this file and modify special characters as directed. The ALTCHARS.DEF file consists of one line per special character definition in the format #=,, where: is a number (1-21) indicating which special character is being defined, is a letter or digit indicating which shifted key (A-Z or 0-9) is to be used to enter the special character, is the decimal representation of the display code for this special character, and is a series of 1-16 printer codes (decimal) separated by commas. For example, the following ALTCHARS.DEF line defines special character #6 as a plus-or-minus sign. +-- Special character ID | +-- Key specification (

) | | +-- Display code (plus-or-minus sign) | | | +-- Three byte printer string | | | | ("+" backspace "_") | | | | #6=P, 241, 43, 8, 95 Any text outside a definition (before the "#" and after the last decimal value) is considered annotation and is ignored by QWERTY. See the ALTCHARS.DEF file distributed with QWERTY. -29- -- R E L A T E D P R O D U C T S -- COMBO -- Webster's New World COMBO from Simon and Schuster Software is an excellent dictionary & thesaurus that has been tested with QWERTY. EZ-DEX -- A ROLODEX program from HFK Software that easily fetches name and address data and automatically types it into a running word processor. * KEYSAVER -- A document building product from HFK Software automatically types boiler plate text into a running word processor. After inserting a ruler, word, paragraph, etc., KEYSAVER pauses and prompts for manual input of unique text. Use {0080} & {0081} in boiler plate text to autotype QWERTY Format Indicators & Binding Spaces. * SNAPSHOT -- A cut & paste utility from HFK Software that captures up to ten screen snapshots and automatically types the text upon command. * CHOOSE -- A BATCH menuing utility from HFK Software that helps organize PC use under DOS. PX -- Used in batch files to transfer codes to the printer. Included with QWERTY. LOADFONT -- Used in batch files to download fonts to a Laser-Jet printer. Included with QWERTY. * Designed for use with programs using a text display and work well with products such as WordPerfect and 1-2-3. -30- -- Q W E R T Y R E G I S T R A T I O N -- QWERTY is provided as SHAREWARE. Enjoy experimenting and getting to know QWERTY. Feel free to make copies for your friends and co-workers. However, when you put QWERTY to practical use, a small registration fee of $20 is due. A convenient registration form follows. When you register (via mail, fax or phone), you will receive the registration codes necessary to personalize your copy of QWERTY. That is, your name (or your company's name) will replace "UNREGISTERED USER." You will also be able to use an ALTCHARS.DEF file to customize QWERTY's twenty-one special characters. And, you will be entitled to customer support via phone, fax, or CompuServe Mail. This offer is subject to change without notice. -- S H A R E W A R E D E C L A R A T I O N -- This product is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for a members' products. You may contact the ASP Ombudsman via: ASP Ombudsman 545 Grover Road Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA FAX: 616-788-2765 or CompuServe Mail: ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 HFK Software actively supports the goals and principles of the Association of Shareware Professionals. -31- -- Q W E R T Y R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M -- +-Personalization-Text:----------------------------------------------------+ | | +-------------------------(10-35-characters-in-place-of-UNREGISTERED-USER)-+ +-MasterCard-or-VISA-Account-No:--------------+ +-Phone:------------------+ | | | | +---------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------+ +-Exp:-----+ +-Signature:--------------------+ +-Fax:--------------------+ | | | ($20) | | | +----------+ +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------+ --(fold-back-here)--------------(first-fold)--------------(fold-back-here)-- +-------+ From: ________________________________ | place | | stamp | ________________________________ | here | +-------+ ________________________________ To: +------------------------------+ | | | HFK Software | | 68 Wells Road | | Lincoln, MA 01773-3702 | | | +------------------------------+ --(fold-back-here)--------------(second-fold)-------------(fold-back-here)-- This form may be: (1) folded and placed in a standard business window envelope; (2) folded, taped, stamped, and mailed without an envelope; or (3) FAXed to HFK Software at 617-259-0626. Phone orders via: 617-259-0059 Massachusetts residents must include state sales tax.